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The Assumption of Mary


Catholic facts: Ascension or Assumption. What’s the difference?

Mother Mary was taken up (assumed) into heaven by God’s power. Jesus rose up (ascended) into heaven on his own power, because he is God in human form.

The Assumption of Mary is a special celebration in the life of the Catholic Church. On Friday 14 August the children participated in a Mass celebrating Mother Mary’s importance and her assumption into heaven.

A common discussion with the children was which “Mary” we were talking about as we celebrated Mary Mackillop’s feast day last week. The children were given the tip of using the language of “Mother Mary” as a way of distinguishing Jesus’ mum.

We thank the students of 4RL who led us in this important celebration including the student choir, and we were blessed with Ms Spearman from 1ZS who shared her beautiful flute playing with us for the Mass.

God bless
Ben Ryan, APRIM