News & Events


Year 6 Market Day


Over the course of Term 3, Year 6 students have been focusing on Business and Economics as their HASS Strand. Students designed and created their own small businesses, negotiated investors to loan them their start up, then created their products to sell at Year 6 Market Day.

Businesses ranged from; Soccer Shoot-outs, baked goods, ice cream, Basketball Challenge, Henna, Nail Polish Store Front, 'Guess the Lollies', Milkshakes, 3D Printed Fidget Toys and Jewellery. The students worked incredibly hard over the term and on the day marketing their product, decorating and setting up their stalls all whilst learning about Business Enterprise and Profit Margins.

Together they raised a staggering $3856.00 for Catholic Charities Appeal. A huge congratulations and well done to all the Year 6 students, and a big thank you to the families of Year 6 students in supporting them with their project and to all other students and families for supporting them in their business venture to make this year's Market Day successful and fun for all.